Government Transparency
Seeking complete transparency of city government through creating boards and committees with regularly scheduled meetings; posting agendas and action items on the city website; and including sunset provisions in formation of every board and commission established.
The citizens of the Wimberley area have the right to be kept informed of any and all issues facing the council and citizen input through committees and boards should be given the utmost respect.
Unification of Our Community
The Council should not make decisions that affect the Wimberley Valley without significant community outreach and input. Council decisions should be made after carefully considering input from ALL citizens within the Wimberley Valley area as city decisions affect ALL valley residents, not just those residing within city limits.
Council actions should reflect the will of the majority of area citizens and provide direction for city policy and enforcement.
Efficiency of Systems
Careful examination must be given to the expenditure of any city government funds. Use of funds for unnecessary lawsuits, excessive capital expenditures and non-priority issues should be carefully examined by the council, discussed with citizen input and eliminated whenever possible.
Ordinances should only be passed if the city has the resources to adequately enforce the ordinances.
Priority of city funds should go to providing essential services such as road maintenance.
VOW will seek out candidates to support who agree with VOW’s position
on several important Hot Button Issues.
The Voice of Wimberley seeks to capitalize on the strength of our community to create a more inclusive involvement with our local government.
Voice of Wimberley Key Issues:
Government Transparency
Council decisions should be made after carefully considering input from ALL citizens within the Wimberley Valley area as city decisions affect ALL valley residents, not just those residing within city limits.
Council actions should reflect the will of the majority of area citizens and provide direction for city policy and enforcement. Boards and commissions should be selected and staffed only after suitable need has been determined. Once established, all boards and commissions must have regularly scheduled meetings, agendas and actions must be publicized on the city website, and determinations of these boards and commissions should be granted appropriate consideration by city council. Sunset provisions should be included in formation of every board and commission which is established by the city.
Basic City Services
A fundamental reason for incorporation is providing for basic services from a local government such as road maintenance,ordinance enforcement and efficient expenditure of taxpayer funds.
Road maintenance within city limits should receive a higher priority with more of the operation budget allocated to this.
Ordinances should only be passed if the city has the resources to adequately enforce the ordinances. Careful examination must be given to the expenditure of any city government funds. Use of funds for unnecessary lawsuits, excessive capital expenditures and non-priority issues should be carefully examined and eliminated.
Wastewater Service
This issue is substantial to the health and well-being of our community. Because this will impact ALL city residents, whether served by the actual system or not, total transparency must be given prior to any finalization of plans, financing methods and construction of this system.
What will the system cost? Not just the projected construction cost, but the cost to each customer required to connect to the system, to the citizens not serviced by the systems in the form of a potential ad valorem tax, and to the city operating budget over the life of the loan being undertaken to finance construction.
Monitor the effectiveness of the recently passed HOT tax on our lodging industry. Make adjustments based on measurable results. VOW supports bi-annual reports to provide these details.
Awareness of City actions regarding the litigation issues the City is either initiating or responding to from outside entities. Is the City using scarce city funds in a prudent manner? Are all litigation strategies being thought through to provide the best use and time of city resources?
City Hall
There is talk regarding the potential purchase/construction of a new city hall with over $50,000.00 currently set aside for this possibility. VOW feels using scarce city funding for such a purpose is not warranted.
Ad Valorem Tax
Many in our community are not aware that an Ad Valorem tax was passed in order to facilitate funding for the City owned wastewater system which has been permitted but yet to be funded. At this point in time, the rate is set at 0.0% but can be adjusted by a simple majority vote of the city council. For years, candidates have pledged they would not support an ad valorem tax if elected, but voted for this tax with the understanding it was necessary to receive funding support for the wastewater system. VOW believes this tax rate should be monitored very closely and not be raised from its current rate without adequate community notice and citizen input.
City Master Plan
The Master Plan setup for the city in the past is under review and VOW believes concerned citizens need to have input into this plan. For this to happen, sufficient notice to concerned citizens should be given for planned meetings and workshops. VOW pledges to provide this information to citizens.
The above Hot Button Issues are not the entirety of VOW’s position on city related issues, but provide an overview of some of the top issues VOW has identified. Please become part of VOW as we take a more proactive, positive role within
our city and local government decisions.